Conference News and Events

Mitch Resnick introduces "Making, Tinkering and Remixing Learning"

Watch Mitch Resnick discuss his subtheme - Making, Tinkering and Remixing - and the panel he will moderate at DML2012 featuring Dale Dougherty (Make Magazine), Karen Wilkinson (Exploratorium), Mike Petrich (Exploratorium) and Leah Buechley (MIT Media Lab). 


DML2012 Submission System Now Open

The DML2012 Conference proposal system is now open. Full proposals will be due on October 19, 2011 (11:59 pm PST). To propose a panel, participants should register with Fastapps

Opening Keynote for DML2012 Announced: John Seely Brown

We're very pleased to announce that John Seely Brown will be the opening keynote for DML2012. 

Diana Rhoten discusses "Beyond Educational Technologies: Learning Innovations in a Connected World" with Howard Rheingold

Watch Howard Rheingold's interview with Diana Rhoten about the conference theme "Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World"

DML2012 Call for Proposals Announced

We're very pleased to announce the third annual Digital Media and Learning Conference, "Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected Age", chaired by Dr. Diana Rhoten. To learn more about DML2012 and the theme see

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