Conference News and Events

Registration Is Now Open!

Registration for DML2012 is now open and will close on February 3, 2012.

For full details on registration, please go to our Registration Page.

As a reminder, Registration fees are:

  • $50 for students and underemployed
  • $100 for faculty, professional and employed


Click here to hear Conference Chair Diana Rhoten's thoughts on why people should attend DML2012.

Proposal Judging Is Now Complete

We have just finished judging all our Proposals and will be sending out notifications of acceptance (and non-acceptance) later this week. Thank you all for your submissions and we look forward to seeing your proposals in action during DML2012!

Mark Surman introduces "Democratizing Learning Innovation"

Mark Surman is in the business of connecting things: people, ideas, everything. A community technology activist for almost 20 years, Mark is currently the executive director of the Mozilla Foundation, with a focus on inventing new ways to promote openness and opportunity on the Internet.

He is on the conference committee for the 2012 Digital Media & Learning Conference in San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 1-3.  More details about the conference, "Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World," and call for papers can be found here on the conference website.

Mark is interviewed here by Howard Rheingold, a cyberculture pioneer, social media innovator, and author of Smart Mobs. In this video, he says we've reached a historical moment where learning can be liberated from its industrial, factory-model roots.

Tracy Fullerton introduces "Re-imagining Media for Learning"

Watch Tracy Fullerton discuss her subtheme for #DML2012, "Re-imagining Media for Learning", with Howard Rheingold. In the video, she also discusses her Featured Session "This is Not an Orientation: Gameful Layers for the Freshman Experience". The session, to be moderated by Donald Brinkman of Microsoft Research, will include presentations from Tracy Fullerton (USC Interactive Media), Jeff Watson (USC iMAP), Ben Stokes (USC Annenberg), Andy Phelps (RIT), Liz Lawley (RIT) and Kurt Squire (University of Wisconsin, Madison). A short panel abstract is included below.

This is Not an Orientation: Gameful Layers for the Freshman Experience

The transition to college is a difficult experience for many young people, marked by rapid change as well as social, emotional and intellectual challenges. Additionally, today's students may feel disconnected from traditional university classroom materials and structures, spending the majority of their out of class time interacting via text and web. This session will look at two very different experimental games which attempt to scaffold that freshman experience, allowing digital natives to bring their existing communication and media skills to bear on the building of college-level social groups and 21st century skills such as team-building, problem-solving, creative and critical thinking, brainstorming, experimentation, etc. The two case studies were both launched in Fall of 2011 and each team has worked to assess and evaluate the outcomes so far. Just Press Play, from the Rochester Institute of Technology, is funded by Microsoft Research, and is an achievement-based system that encourages students to think of the obstacles in their path as part of a narrative of their educational development. Reality Ends Here, from the University of Southern California, is an internally funded project from the School of Cinematic Arts. Structured as an alternate reality game, the experience introduces students to the culture and history of the school, encouraging them to become part of that tradition from day one. Designers and evaluators from each project will discuss learning goals, design strategies, assessment approaches, preliminary outcomes and next steps for these innovative digital learning environments.

Antero Garcia introduces "Innovations for Public Education"

Watch Antero Garcia discuss his subtheme, "Innovations for Public Education". Antero will also be moderating a session at the DML2012 Conference on "Digital Innovation and Equity in Schools" that will feature Erin Reilly (Managing Director/ Research Director / Children, Youth & Media / Annenberg Innovation Lab, USC), Myrna Rubel (Epstein School Principal, Atlanta), Katie McKay (Bilingual 4th/5th grade teacher, Austin Discovery School, Austin, Texas), high school students from the UCLA Council of Youth research and high school students from the Social Justice Learning Institute. Howard Rheingold will be the discussant. Read more about Antero's plans for the conference on DML Central:

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