RML: Lifecycle of a PBS KIDS App: From Research to Reality
Research promisingly shows that educational media, coupled with technologies children already embrace, is an effective way to engage struggling students and augment learning outside of the classroom. For an audience of forward-thinking educators and innovators, we propose a panel that will explore how PBS KIDS is using new technology as an opportunity for learning. Specifically, this panel will delve into the strengths of the mobile platform as an important learning tool and share the development process of PBS KIDS’ mobile apps for children.
Bringing together a panel of researchers and developers, we will discuss the evolution of an educational mobile app and show how the integration of new technologies can result in educational games as compelling as the best commercial games. We will dissect some of the stickiest commercial game models and show how many design elements can be effectively applied to educational games to engage children most in need.
We will focus on newly released mobile apps for the iPad and iPhone and introduce participants to Jeremy Roberts, from PBS KIDS, who will explain how PBS KIDS identified mobile platforms as an opportunity for an educational tool. The developers from Smashing Ideas will share their vision and the progression from game concept to a dynamic, interactive, learner-centered gaming experience with an emphasis on how the educational goals were addressed. Researcher Alison Bryant, from research firm PlayScience, will discuss the role of research in the development of educational games and will share the findings of usability testing on mobile apps for children.
Participants in this panel can expect to learn:
• Why mobile platforms are ideal for creating anywhere/anytime learning and augmenting the skills learned in the classroom
• How game developers are incorporating the stickiest factors of commercial games into educational games
• How significantly mobile apps have contributed to learning gains among users